Vaping vs. Smoking: The Impact on Oral Health

The Oral Health Effects of Vaping vs Smoking

It’s well recognised that smoking can severely damage oral health, including causing teeth to yellow. But does vaping offer a safer alternative? In this discussion, we’ll examine the effects of both smoking and vaping on oral health and explore whether vaping is detrimental to dental health.

Current Understanding of Vaping and Oral Health

As vaping becomes a popular alternative to smoking, many are questioning its impact on teeth and gums. While the damaging effects of smoking are visibly evident, the implications of vaping are less clear due to limited research.

However, the studies available suggest that vaping is significantly less harmful than smoking and does not cause the same long-term negative effects. Let’s delve deeper into what we know.

The Problem with Tar

Tar, produced when tobacco burns, is a primary factor in teeth staining for smokers, turning teeth yellow or even brown over time. Tar contains thousands of harmful chemicals.

Unlike smoking, vaping does not involve burning tobacco and consequently, does not produce tar. A 2021 study utilising cow’s teeth to simulate human enamel found that exposure to e-cigarette vapor caused little to no colour change after 86 days, unlike the rapid staining from cigarette smoke, red wine, and coffee.

Does Nicotine Stain Teeth?

This question remains unanswered. Although nicotine can yellow as it oxidizes, evidence from the aforementioned study suggests that nicotine in vapor form does not stain teeth as severely as other substances like red wine or coffee. Many vapers notice a significant improvement in teeth colour once they stop smoking and maintain regular dental hygiene visits.

Comparing Vaping and Smoking: Effects on Gum Disease

Smokers face a higher risk of gum disease than non-smokers due to the harmful chemicals in tar and reduced oxygen levels in their blood. Vaping might still pose risks to gum health, but these are more akin to those associated with nicotine gums or lozenges rather than smoking.

Persistent Issues with Tar and Dry Mouth

While vaping does not produce tar, it can still cause dry mouth due to the hygroscopic nature of the base ingredients in e-liquid, propylene glycol, and vegetable glycerin, which absorb moisture. This dryness can increase the risk of gum disease. Drinking more water can help mitigate this effect.

Nicotine, a vasoconstrictor, narrows blood vessels which can slow healing in the mouth. More research is required to fully understand vaping’s long-term effects on oral health.

Interestingly, a 2018 study found that gum health in people who vape was comparable to those who neither smoked nor vaped, suggesting that vaping is far less harmful to gums than smoking.


Transitioning from smoking to vaping could positively affect your oral health. Vaping is less likely to stain your teeth and exposes you to fewer harmful substances found in cigarette smoke. However, it’s not without risks, such as dry mouth and potential gum effects. Staying hydrated is essential.

While further research is necessary to completely understand the long-term impacts of vaping, current evidence points to vaping as a significantly better option for oral health compared to smoking. If you’re considering switching from smoking to vaping, it might be a beneficial move for your dental and overall health.

At Snowman, we are dedicated to providing high-quality and safer alternatives to smoking, including disposable e-cigarettes, nicotine pouches, and energy pouches. Explore our products today and take a step towards improved oral health and a healthier lifestyle.

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